Saturday, November 30, 2019

Othello And Iago Essays (792 words) - Othello, Iago, Emilia

Othello And Iago The Different Sides of Iago's Character In Shakespeare's "Othello," Iago carefully and masterfully entraps Othello into believing that his wife, Desdemona, is having an affair with Cassio. He does this through a series of suggestions and hesitations that entice and implant images into Othello's head that lead him to his own end. More importantly, Iago gives Othello the motive to murder his own innocent wife Desdemona, satisfying Iago's huge appetite for revenge. The motive for Iago's devious plan is initially made clear in the first of three major soliloquies, in which he proclaims Othello has had an affair with his wife, Emilia: "And it is thought abroad that t'wixt my sheets/ He's done my office" (I.iii.). The irony behind this line is where he continues: "I know not if't be true/ But I, for mere suspicion in that kind; / Will do as if for surety"(I.iii.). Iago is so paranoid and insane that he will go far as murdering, and even fool a general into murdering his wife. At the same time Iago conducts a plan to take over Cassio's position as lieutenant, using Desdemona's weakness; her naivety. He disgraces Cassio by intoxicating him enough so he strikes Roderigo. Othello then discharges Cassio of his Lieutenancy when he says: "Cassio, I love thee, / But nevermore be officer of mine" (II.iii.). It was therefore understandable that he would fall to the mercy of Iago, completely unaware of the inevitable effects. Iago reveals his plan to the reader in his third soliloquy when he states: His soul is so unfettered to her love, That she may make, unmake, do what she list, Even as her appetite shall play the god With his weak function... And she for him pleads strongingly to the Moore, I'll pour this pestilence into his ear: That she repels him for her body's lust, And by how much she strives to do him good, She shall undo her credit with the Moor (II.iii.). The first instance of this plan comes to life in the scene where Iago gets Cassio drunk, but his plan begins after Othello banishes Cassio. With Cassio's reputation ruined, Iago fools Cassio by taking advantage of the fact that he is in a state in which he would do anything to get his job, position, and reputation back. Iago tells him to find Desdemona to get It back: "Our General's wife is/ now the General...She is so free, so kind, so apt, so blessed a disposition, she holds it a vice in her/ goodness not to do more than she is requested..." (II.iii.). Iago knows Desdemona is very naive. While Cassio is talking to Desdemona about asking Othello to take him back, Iago is implanting sexual images of Cassio and Desdemona in Othello's mind. The more Desdemona pleads to Othello about this matter, the more Othello believes that Cassio is sleeping with his wife. Also, the more he refuses Desdemona's wishes, the more she pleads, thereby creating even more of a conflict between the three characters. For his plan to work successfully Iago first had to carefully gain trust from all of the characters. Since he was a master of deception, this was not very difficult. His declarations of love he that he spoke so strongly of throughout the play were enough to fool everyone: "I think you think I love you..."I protest, in the sincerity of love and kindness..." obviously he deceives the characters in the play through their words:(Othello) "Thy honesty and love doth mince this matter..."my friend, thy husband, honest, honest Iago..." (Cassio)"Good night honest Iago..."I never knew a Florentine more kind and honest." The love and honesty Iago falsely shows upon Othello and Cassio makes it an impossible idea to either that Iago could ever set either of them up in such a way. The irony of all this is throughout his declarations of love, Iago is deceiving them. Iago's beloved wife, Emilia, is the one who eventually unravels her husband's plan in the scene, but it is already too late, for Iago has gained his revenge with the murder Of Desdemona by Othello. The relationship between Iago and Emilia is very vague. She doesn't seem to know her husband very well and neither does he. This is could be due to Iago's animal like attitude to love and life. He is very individualistic, concerned only of himself and his needs. He is very self-centered, and this is made clear in the first scene when he shouts at Brabantio. The feelings Iago have are common jealousy.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Role of Bamboo in Japanese Culture

The Role of Bamboo in Japanese Culture The Japanese word for bamboo is take. Bamboo in Japanese Culture Bamboo is a very strong plant. Because of its sturdy root structure, it is a  symbol of prosperity in Japan. For years, people were told to run into the bamboo groves in the event of an earthquake, because the bamboos strong root structure would hold the earth together. Simple and unadorned, the bamboo is also symbolic of purity and innocence. Take o watta youna hito literally translates into a man like fresh-split bamboo and refers to a man with a frank nature. Bamboo appears in many ancient tales. Taketori Monogatari (Tale of the Bamboo Cutter) also known as Kaguya-hime (The Princess Kaguya) is the oldest narrative literature in kana script, and one of the most beloved stories in Japan. The story is about Kaguya-hime, who is found inside a bamboo stalk. An old man and woman raise her and she becomes a beautiful woman. Although many young men propose to her, she never marries. Eventually on an evening when the moon is full, she returns to the moon, as it was her place of birth. Bamboo and sasa (bamboo grass) are used in many festivals to ward off evil. On Tanabata (July 7), people write their wishes on strips of paper of various colors and hang them on sasa. Click this link to learn more about Tanabata. Bamboo Meaning Take ni ki o tsugu (putting bamboo and wood together) is synonymous with disharmony. Yabuisha (yabu are bamboo groves and isha is a doctor) refers to an incompetent doctor (quack). Though its origin is not clear, it is probably because just as bamboo leaves rustle in the slightest breeze, an incompetent doctor makes a great to-do about even the slightest illness. Yabuhebi (hebi is a snake) means to reap an ill fortune from an unnecessary act. It comes from the likelihood that poking a bamboo bush may flush a snake. It is a similar expression to, let sleeping dogs lie. Bamboo is found all over in Japan because the warm, humid climate is well suited to its cultivation. It is frequently used in construction and handicrafts. Shakuhachi, is a wind instrument made of bamboo. Bamboo sprouts (takenoko) also have long been used in Japanese cuisine. The pine, bamboo, and plum (sho-chiku-bai) are an auspicious combination symbolizing long life, hardiness, and vitality. The pine stands for longevity and endurance, and the bamboo is for flexibility and strength, and the plum represents a young spirit. This trio is often used in restaurants as a name for the three levels of quality (and price) of its offerings. It is used instead of directly stating quality or price (e.g. the highest quality would be pine). Sho- chiku-bai is also used for the name of a sake (Japanese alcohol) brand. Sentence of the Week English: Shakuhachi is a wind instrument made of bamboo. Japanese: Shakuhachi wa take kara tsukurareta kangakki desu. Grammar Tsukurareta is the passive form of the verb tsukuru. Here is another example. Passive form in Japanese is formed by the verb ending changes. U-verbs (Group 1 verbs): replace ~u by ~areru kaku - kakarerukiku - kikarerunomu - nomareruomou - omowareru Ru-verbs (Group 2 verbs): replace ~ru by ~rareru taberu - taberareumiru - mirareruderu - derareruhairu - hairareru Irregular verbs (Group 3 verbs) kuru - korarerusuru - sareru Gakki means instrument. Here are different kinds of instruments. Kangakki - wind instrumentGengakki - stringed instrumentDagakki - percussion instrumenttake - bambookangakki - a wind instrumentWain wa budou kara tsukurareru. - Wine is made from grapes.Kono ie wa renga de tsukurareteiru. - This house is made of brick.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Business Ethics Reflection Essay Example for Free (#2)

Business Ethics Reflection Essay In any organization workers can face ethical dilemmas. On a daily basic people are posed with ethical dilemmas and have to decide to making the correct or the wrong choice. Some may not realize but we make ethical work choices at times and may not even realize it. For instance you are late to work and they have already been given a final warning. When we come in no one is there to notice that you are late. Do you get in and start working as if you were on time, or do you clock in where your time will be documented and recorded that you were late. This situation is one that my fellow coworkers face on daily basics. I have noticed that when posed with this ethical choice they choose to do what is correct for them, not necessarily what is correct by the organization. We may see if as covering our own behind, but it actually violates ones business ethics. What some may not realize is that business ethics and personal values mirror each other very closely. In business they ask the same as society, no lying, stealing or cheating. Take responsibility and do what is correct, make the correct decision. The only question is who do you make the correct decision for, you or the company. In that situation most have choose to look out for self. When it comes down to making ethical choices that may put one self at risk people chose themselves over the business. This is when personal values may come into play. To do correct by whom, yourself or the company that you work for? In most personal value one would say to always look out for self first. So in their book the decision to not let anyone know that they were late does just that. Moral concepts are very similar to values, its one innate ability to do what is correct with in. The same is with virtue, Virtue-based ethical theories place less emphasis on which rules people should follow and instead focus on helping people develop good character traits (Cline). There are many external pressures that could have influenced the decision to cover ones behind and not tell anyone that they were late such as the current economical status. If the country is not doing well economically and people find it hard to obtain a good job within a reasonable amount of time. Then one would defiantly choose to violate business ethics. Other external pressures could be their current financial state. People that are in better than average financial positions or are financially stable. I could continue to list other external situations that could affect a person’s ability to make what they may view as the correct business decision verse the best moral decision for one self. If placed in a similar situation I would choose to look out for self. When I reflect on my bringing and what I was taught I was always taught to do what is best for me and my family. Regardless of who may be affected, making sure that my family was always taken care of came first. Although it may not be the best choice for all involved, it is the best for me and mine. At the point that I am in life I make my decision very wisely. I first think about who is going to be affected by the choice that I make. If I would choose to tell that I was late and face being terminated and that would put my family at risk for some financial instability. I know that many choice that we are forced to make in our business life can be unethical when it comes to work. But in our personal life they are considered to be ethical as well as morally correct choices. When it comes to decisions they will never be what is best for all. All members in the party want to make the choice that is best for them. Virtue, value and moral concepts are what people choose to live by to help them guide them in their personal and professional lives. Business Ethics Reflection. (2017, Feb 17). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Plant research and faulty arguments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Plant research and faulty arguments - Essay Example By mid 21st century, the population will have increased by more than three billion people and the worst truth is that majority of these people are continuously being born in countries experiencing water shortages. By the year 2020, expectations are that the population will hit twenty two billion, figures that are more than high. Ideally, there water conservation is mandatory, therefore, so that these people will not experience water shortages owing to discovery that the emerging worldwide water shortage threatening (Consolver 17). Another argument used by people who waste water is that there can never be water exhaustion, as the oceans can never dry up. This is a faulty reasoning because it there have been sayings that the world may actually run out of water before running out of oil. Moreover, of all the water on earth, only three percent is fresh water and the most of it is frozen (Consolver 16). Another faulty reason given by people who waste water is that their usage is not a waste as their usage is for basic needs. People should give water a second thought. A single toilet flush uses three gallons of water. A ten minute shower uses up fifty gallons of water. There is consumption of forty gallons of water any other time someone loads laundry. Such statistics definitely speak serious message to all. People should find ways of minimizing the amount of water used. The water used up in watering lawns is also another factor contributing to the water shortages experienced in parts of the world. People should invest in drought-tolerant crops that require less amount of water for survival (Consolver 16). The Sedum rubrotinctum is an example of drought-tolerant vegetation that gradually grows into a beautiful mat like vegetation. It survives very well with an occasional watering and it is an excellent soil holder. The plant resembles a mat of succulent herbs with fleshy club shaped leaves that are red tinged at the tip

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Law,human right and government report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Law,human right and government report - Essay Example With my self-control ability, determination, and time consciousness, I constantly kept on reminding members to attend meetings and submit their contributions in time since time management is imperative in the success of any group especially academic groups and life in general. Interestingly, many abided. I often consciously reminded team members of participating into meetings in time. My group operated well by following three principles. We were courageous and intimate to tackle the issues that were prevalent. We chose the issue Self Determination of Aboriginals a topic that our tutor cautioned that it was possibly one of the hardest topics and advised us to rethink of another topic. However, team members insisted that we work on such a challenging topic as it would allow us gain greater perception of issues and consequently learn more. Additionally, we maintained a good relationship by embracing forgiveness and apologies for those who did not make to attend meetings. Finally, fairness was highly embraced in task allocation, with each member taking an equal workload thus eliminating any sense of discrimination. I was delegated the task of completing ‘the political context’ of autonomy of aboriginal that included domestic and international political contexts, and its supporters and opponents. Three main tools proved to be helpful in finalizing the task; library database, Google scholar, and Google search webpage. The library database helped me to find outstanding and peer-reviewed articles. The Google scholar provided supplementary literature that might be missing in the library database. The Google search webpage further complemented the research by providing up-to-date news and imperative information about the concept. I used the date of publication/update of articles and reliability to ascertain the usefulness of the literature. The

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Criticism Philosophy Essay Example for Free

Criticism Philosophy Essay Not too many people can listen none defensively, or none antagonistically, to criticism. And very few of those who listen admit it when they see that they are wrong. The thing is, we think that admission of guilt, or of being wrong, or that we have made a mistake, is a sign of weakness. Yet true failure is repeatedly refusing to see your faults. Learning to listen to criticism is a life skill that wed all do well to master. It is about keeping our hearts open (deferring judgment), and ensuring that we are not emotionally aroused (intimidated, irritated, etc.) by our critic (this is deferring reaction). Learning to listen to criticism is about carefully absorbing what is being said, and then honestly evaluating if it is fair, true, constructive or destructive. Only after weve carefully listened to and evaluated the criticism can we respond to it. SECTION B: HOW TO TAKE CRITICISM 1). See criticism as an opportunity to work together with the critic to solve the problem; not as an adversarial situation. Even if you cant solve the problem together with the critic, consider the moment they criticize you as an opportunity for all of you to grow from whatever the problem is. See it as an opportunity for straightening things out; as an opportunity to hear them out, question them where you need clarity; and as an opportunity for you to clarify what needs to be clarified. This calls for changing your mindset; for changing your attitude (from an adversarial one to a positive one) towards criticism. 2). View criticism as valuable information about how to do better, not as a personal attack. Criticism, regardless of whether it is used as a constructive or a destructive tool, can provide us with valuable feedback on our performance. It provides us with feedback on where weve fallen short, and that (i.e., knowing what we need to improve on) is important for our learning and growth. So even when your critic uses criticism as a destructive tool (e.g., as a personal attack, or as a way to put you down, or as a way to manipulate you, or as a way to maintain a psychological advantage), identify his intention but decide to pay particular attention to the criticism itself. Evaluate the criticism itself, and identify what feedback you may get from it. To be able to evaluate the criticism, you must 3). Listen carefully to what is being said. This is taking up all the data, and evaluating it to see if it has any validity. 4). Watch the impulse to defend (See Defense Mechanisms): Just listen and evaluate. Know the difference between emotional thinking and rational thinking; use your head, not your heart. Dont give in to your emotions (be it laughter, anger, fear, or whatever): simply listen! 5). And if the criticism is too upsetting, ask to resume the meeting later; after a period to absorb the difficult message, and cool down a bit. SECTION C: HOW TO GIVE CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM 1). BE POLITE AND SENSITIVE. This is a call for empathy; for being attuned to the impact of what you say, and how you say it to the person on the receiving end. The person (on the receiving end) is most likely to be defensive. S/he may resort to loud and angry words, or may even cry. Be ready for whatever reaction (including rebuffs, or attacks to hurt you back; breaking down into tears; begging you for forgiveness and sympathy; and so on. There is a whole catalog of reactions to criticism: be ready for any of them, and maintain your calm). 2). BE SPECIFIC. Dont criticize the whole person (by using global labels or sweeping generalizations). It is demoralizing for people to know that there is something wrong without knowing what the specifics are, so that they can change. Focus on the specifics; saying what the person did well, what was done poorly, and how the situation could be changed. The following approach is very effective (I call it the VWXYZ-approach): V Tell the person what they did well (You did this and that very well.); W Tell the person how happy you are, and/or how beneficial to you (or to the organization) this positive input was; X Tell the person what was poorly done; Y Tell the person what the damage means to you (or to the organization); Z Give the person suggestions, if you have any, as to how the situation can be changed or rescued. Tell them how they would be expected to handle a similar problem in future. 3). OFFER A SOLUTION (See Z above). The critique, like any useful feedback, should point to a way to fix the problem. Show the person other possibilities and alternatives. 4). BE PRESENT. Critiques, like praise, are most effective when given face to face, and in private. Writing a memo, letter, or email robs the person receiving the criticism of an opportunity for response or clarification. In conclusion, you have to differentiate between criticizing someone and fighting them because of your own secret agenda. When you criticize, you want the person to improve, so that s/he can be better, or so that you can live in harmony together. But when you fight someone, you criticize out of hate or resentment: your agenda is to hurt, not to help. SECTION D: THE MYTH OF REALITY We all see reality through different colored glasses. Our feelings, inborn abilities, psychological make-ups, personalities, egos, characteristics, physical or emotional well-being, fears, desires, needs, wants, beliefs, and so forth, all play a role in our perception of reality. The assertion, THERE ARE NONE SO SURE ABOUT (THEIR PERCEPTION OF) REALITY AS THOSE WHO ARE TOTALLY DELUSIONAL, has a grain of truth in it; at least when it comes to things that can be disputed. Since our perceptions of reality differ, those who criticize us do so based on the perceptions (of reality) that they have in their minds. Our critics perception of the reality of what they are criticizing us of usually differs from ours. If one perception can be demonstrated to be 100% correct, then those on the wrong side of perception should admit that they are wrong, without any fear of being conceived as weak! The real truth is that admitting that you are wrong (when you realize that you are) is a sign of being strong minded. If, as in many cases, none of the various perceptions of the conflict-causing situation can be demonstrated to be 100% correct, then we should acknowledge that our perceptions are different, and simply agree to disagree. Before you criticize someone, be sure that your own perception of reality is 100% correct. If you are not so sure, be sure to point out from the onset that you (and the one you are criticizing) have different perceptions of reality, but you are not sure whose perception is correct. You may then criticize the other persons perception, and then defend your own. SECTION E: TYPES OF CRITICISM Behind each criticism, there is an INTENTION to either put down the one being criticized or to help them (i.e., to build them up). Whether one intends to build up or to destroy, they will use STATEMENTS which are either FACTUAL, or FALSE, or (as is usually the case) a MIXTURE of TRUTHS and LIES. To analyze and evaluate someones criticism, we have to LISTEN very carefully to what they say. If we are not sure that we have heard them correctly, we have to SEEK CLARIFICATION. We have to: I). IDENTIFY THEIR INTENTIONS (to help or to put down); II). DETERMINE THE MANNER IN WHICH THEY CRITICIZE US (are they patronizing/condescending/adversarial or tactful/sympathetic/building up?); III). DETERMINE WHETHER THEIR INFORMATION IS ACCURATE OR WRONG. We must SEPARATE FACT FROM FICTION. We now look at the different types of criticism. 1. CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM This occurs when your critic is motivated by the desire to help you; that is, when the person who criticizes you means well. Their manner of presenting the criticism may be good or bad, and they may possess facts, or a mixture of facts and fiction, or only inaccurate information. But the important thing is what drives the critic is the desire to help you. 2. DESTRUCTIVE CRITICISM In this kind of criticism, your critics intention may be one or more of the following: 2.1). PUTTING YOU DOWN. This may be in the form of a pointless nagging, or habitual recitation of your failures, or calling you names when they criticize you, or making sweeping generalizations; 2.2). ONE-UPMANSHIP. This occurs when one tries to maintain a psychological advantage over you, or to prove that they are better than you; 2.3). MANIPULATION. The critic may criticize what you are doing in an attempt to get you to do something else. This is often called CHILD PSYCHOLOGY. o SECTION F: RESPONDING TO CRITICISM There are two ways of responding to criticism; one is Ineffective Response, and the other is Effective Response. 1. INEFFECTIVE RESPONSE STYLES These are: 1.1). AGGRESSIVE STYLE. The techniques used include: Counter Attacks; Insulting or name-calling; Loud Denials; Mocking (Cynicism); and Sulking in anger. This style of responding to criticism is adversarial, and often leads to fights and/or resentment. 1.2). PASSIVE STYLE. In this style of response to criticism, you agree, apologize, or surrender at the first sign of (a usually destructive) criticism. You may panic and tremble physically. Or you may remain silent in a coward manner (which is different from sulking angrily). In this response style, you give your critic too much power, while sending your own self-esteem crashing rock-bottom. You do not seek clarity, and you do not even try to defend yourself. You do not try to give clarity, even where you feel you have been misunderstood, or wrongly accused. You may even take responsibility/blame for things that you have not done or said. Your fear overpowers you, and you just wish to be left in peace! 1.3). PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE STYLE. This may involve being silent, but not fully cooperative. Or you may respond passively by apologizing and agreeing to change, only to get even with your critic later; by not being fully committed to whatever you promised; or by botching it up; etc. 2. EFFECTIVE RESPONSE I). TRY TO DETERMINE YOUR CRITICS PERCEPTION OF REALITY. When someone criticizes you, ask yourself what may be their perception of reality; ask yourself what may be driving him/her to criticize you. Remember that we all see reality through different colored glasses. Resist all urges to respond (aggressively or passively, through panicking or being submissive) before evaluating the criticism. If you are not sure what your critics perception of reality is, and if you are allowed to, ask them (See III below). If you are not in a position to ask them directly, evaluate their criticism; for you may get, from the criticism itself, an idea of what your critics perception of reality is. In any case, it is important to be sure of what your critics perception of reality is. II). EVALUATE THE CRITICISM. It may be possible to tell from your critics tone of voice, from their facial expression, or from their posture, what their intentions of criticizing you are. It may be possible to tell this from context (this applies especially when you get a written critique). It is important to IDENTIFY what your critics INTENTIONS are. Whilst evaluating your critics criticism, do not jump into conclusions, and do not rush to responding. Forget your self-esteem, and concentrate exclusively on the criticism. As already mentioned, you first have to identify your critics perception of whatever they are criticizing you of. Next, identify the critics intention: Do they wish to build up or to destroy/hurt? Is their criticism constructive or destructive? Next, determine the manner in which the critic gives the criticism: is it good or bad? Are they patronizing/condescending, or are they considerate of your own feelings? Hear their tone. Do they want to help or hassle? You may also take into consideration your relationship with the critic. Is it a loved one? Is it your boss or superior? Is it a friend? Or is it someone who doesnt even know you that much? Whatever the case, you want to live in harmony with the critic; but you also want to correct misconceptions. You want to clear the air, and clarify what needs to be clarified. Check whether the criticism is accurate. Is the critic using facts, a mixture of truths and lies, or only lies? III). PROBE. As already pointed out in I), when someone criticizes you, they have a certain perception of what they are criticizing you of, and it is your right to be sure that you correctly understand what they say. Ask your critic to be specific; not to make sweeping generalizations. Ask him to support his claims. Ask him whether he is sure of what he is saying. Ask him what his perception of the situation is, and whether he is sure that his perception is correct. Ask him to give examples of where you went wrong, and to tell you how you should have performed in those instances. Ask your critic to tell you exactly What you must do. Having probed the critic, and having evaluated his criticism, decide whether his criticism is constructive or destructive; decide whether his manner of presenting the criticism is good (considerate) or bad (patronizing/condescending); and whether the information he uses is accurate, inaccurate, or a mixture of truths and lies. We now give guidelines on how to respond to (constructive and destructive) criticism. 2.1 HOW TO RESPOND EFFECTIVELY TO CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM. Depending on your critics nature, he may couch his constructive criticism in terms of good suggestions for change, or he may patronize you. However well-meaning someone may be, patronizing and/or condescending (which occurs when someone tries to appear better) is bad, and is likely to provoke an adversarial reaction. This is because when someone is patronizing us, we are bound to feel uncomfortable, and we may give in to impulsive negative reactions. So even when your critic has good intentions, the MANNER of GIVING the CRITICISM may spoil it all (See HOW TO GIVE CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM in CRITICISM PHILOSOPHY I). In criticizing you, your critic will use some statements which are true or false, and/or some statements whose truth values may be unknown. He may have accurate or wrong information. If, in criticizing you constructively, your critic uses accurate information, or facts, to patronize you, or uses facts in a condescending manner, you may acknowledge the truth or validity of his point(s), but point out that his patronizing (or attempts at appearing better) is spoiling or defeating his good purpose (i.e., to help). If your critic puts his (accurate) information in a good manner, acknowledge the facts and thank him for pointing them out. Tell him that you are going to consider his points. If your critics information is inaccurate, you may correct him. Thank him for trying to help if his manner is good; but if, in addition to using wrong information, your critics manners suck, tell him that not only is his information inaccurate but his patronizing or condescending is really uncalled for. If your critic uses a mixture of facts and lies, acknowledge the facts (and give thanks for them), and correct misconceptions. 2.2 HOW TO RESPOND EFFECTIVELY TO DESTRUCTIVE CRITICISM Lets now suppose that you have determined, to your satisfaction, that your critics intention is not to help you, but: to put you down; or to maintain a psychological advantage over you; or to manipulate you. As in the constructive case, your critic will use some statements; some of which may be true, whilst others may be false. In handling such a critic, simply acknowledge what is true and refute what is a lie. Disprove what needs to be disproved, and state your opinion on what is neither here nor there. It is important not to pick a fight, but to concentrate on the criticism.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Mississippi Burning :: Civil Rights Racism Equality Essays

The Mississippi Burning Mississippi Burning brings awareness to the ways of the Jim Crow south. In 1964, three civil rights workers made their way to Neshoba County. Two of the workers were white and the third boy was black. The suspicious disappearance of the men brought the attention of the FBI. Some people question whether the FBI only got involved because two of the workers were white. This movie reveals the improper treatment of African Americans at a time when every American citizen was guaranteed equal rights under the law. Many African Americans felt that there was little concern for the African American civil rights worker. The FBI was determined to find out what actually happened to these boys. The local authorities said that the men were probably in New York or Canada laughing at all of the commotion they had caused. The racism that African Americans dealt with is very clear throughout the entire movie. The town did not feel that it was necessary for the FBI to be investigating the mysterious disappearance. They assured the FBI that there was nothing to uncover and only wanted them to stop disturbing their â€Å"peaceful† town. The Brown vs. Board of education decision is not evident in Mississippi Burning. African Americans sat in the back of the restaurant, separated from whites. The community was not integrated. There was a specific part of town where the African Americans lived. African Americans and whites did not interact very much. The KKK played a major part in controlling these â€Å"niggers.† When one of the FBI agents talked to a local black boy in public, the boy was brutally assaulted by KKK members. The way that whites treated African American shows how their struggle for freedom still continued. Some of the local law-enforcement were members of the Klan. They played a role in the murdering of the three boys. When the FBI came to town, hostility in the town grew. Many African Americans wished that the FBI would just leave because they were just causing more problems. African Americans were being beaten, having their houses destroyed, churches burnt down, and some even lynched.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Natural Or Man Made Disasters Environmental Sciences Essay

With everything else being equal, the high sum of C dioxide in the ambiance which has changed the climatic conditions can increase growing of some nutrient harvests like rice, wheat and soya bean. But the addition in temperature can act upon the clip and quality of turning season and a batch of injury is caused to the harvests as a consequence of inundations and checkerss. This means that hereafter of nutrient production in many states is at a significant hazard. It depends on how expeditiously different states combat this job caused by planetary heating. ( Ranger & A ; Clark, 2012 ) The proposal below includes a nexus between the effects of planetary heating with the debut of genetically modified nutrient merchandises and additives as a counter to the job. Genetically modifying nutrient can help in heightening output of harvest workss to do them resistant to rapidly altering climatic alterations. They will assist the husbandmans grow nutrient economically and sustainably. ( â€Å" gram nutrient, † 2007 But more of import is the fact that there are certain jeopardies which are associated with these modified nutrient merchandises. These jeopardies and hazards must be eliminated to guarantee safe nutrient supply to people. Besides the multitudes should be educated about the benefits of these nutrient merchandises that helps them to do better determinations about their nutrient ingestion and protects them from the harmful effects of planetary heating. Different advertisement techniques like cusps, booklets and telecasting advertizements can help in this respect.IntroductionWith the rise in the degree of C dioxide in the ambiance and the subsequent planetary heating has led to an addition in temperature by 0.8 degree Celsius and is estimated to lift by 1.4 to 5.8 grade Celsius between the 21st century. This quandary will go on unless the emanation of green house gasses is halted. Among these gases carbon dioxide contributes the most towards the heating, an estimation of 60 % in the foll owing century. ( Hartman, Nippert, Orozco & A ; Springer, 2010 ) This addition in the atmospheric temperature and alteration in the form of rainfall with utmost conditions conditions like inundations, storms and checkerss is taking to infertile land for illustration in Southern Europe. The high degree of H2O and addition in temperature can besides ensue in H2O logging, plagues and diseases. ( Quested, Cook, Gorris & A ; Cole, 2010 )Consequence OF GLOBAL WARMING ON FOOD PRODUCTIONIn stead of the harm clime brings to agriculture it becomes apparent that harvest and nutrient production has a close nexus to planetary heating. Hence I agree to the claim that planetary heating effects the production and handling of nutrient in the developed states and undeveloped states because of combustion of fossil fuels through industrialisation. The alterations in clime influence the growing of plagues and microbic growing of macro environment. Hence it leads to biotic diseases imputing to fungi, bac teriums and viruses. Other abiotic facets like air pollutants influenced the production and wellness of workss. These factors besides affect the safety of nutrient. ( Jaykus, Woolridge, Frank, Miraglia, Gollop & A ; Tirado ) Furthermore apart from these direct effects, the indirect effects of climate lead to revenue enhancement or levy systems in all countries of nutrient production. This would supercharge the monetary value and handiness of different types of nutrient and influence the process of production that involves addition sum of emanation of green house gases. This will finally take to less ingestion of meat due to its increased monetary value. ( Quested, Cook, Gorris & A ; Cole, 2010 ) The clime alteration besides affects the nutrient fabrication and trade. Upcoming dangers in primary production can impact the working of the safety guaranting procedures needed to expeditiously restrict those dangers and maintain safety of the finished merchandise. Furthermore, the rise in mean temperature can increase the hazard to hygiene linked with storing and transporting nutrient merchandises. ( Jaykus, Woolridge, Frank, Miraglia, Gollop & A ; Tirado )GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODIn order to accomplish benefits from Earthaa‚ ¬a„?s nutriment such nutrient has to be produced that bears the alteration in climatic conditions. The solution lies in genetically modifying nutrient and usage of additives and conserves. Genetically modified nutrient or harvests are the 1s that are produced through modern techniques in microbiology and the scientific discipline of agribusiness. They are made to better some traits that make them modified to peculiar topographic points and countries. There advantages are that they are immune to plagues and diseases ; hold more foods and can defy climatic alterations caused by planetary heating. There is an addition in the growing of these nutrient merchandises in United States since 1996. They include companies that invest in bring forthing nutrient that are immune to checkerss and inundations. ( Lundee, 2010 ) However, really few people are cognizant of the benefits of genetically modified nutrient and the additives. A survey was conducted in Korea in which it was found that consumers had really small consciousness about the safety methods attached with nutrient additives and they thought of them as harmful. So they avoided purchasing procedures nutrient incorporating additives. Hence it was found that consciousness amongst the people sing the benefits of modified nutrient merchandises and additives was necessary to avoid misinterpretations about them that were created chiefly by traditional media.ADVERSTINGaa‚ ¬a„?S ROLESo different advertisement techniques can be used to inform people about the alterations in clime through planetary heating and the how the nutrient job can be solved through familial alteration and additives. The survey in Korea suggested that in cusps, booklets and postings h ave a immense impact in conveying cognition to the consumers about the benefits of the preservatives and familial technology in guaranting nutrient safety. This advertisement technique was used during a study in Korea in which after exposing the audience with the postings they most of them agreed to utilize the additives and modified nutrient merchandises. They came to cognize that authorities has plan regulation bounds like ADIs for additives and preservatives to maintain consumers safe. ( Shim, Seo, Lee, Moonc, Kim & A ; Hee Park, 2011 ) . Such awareness runs should non merely be on a little graduated table but other manners of communicating like telecasting and newspapers can besides play an of import function in this respect. Creatively and sagely designed advertizements can act upon and learn multitudes to do the correct picks for their nutrient ingestion.ETHICAL ISSUESWhen new engineering like the genetically modified harvests is introduced there are certain ethical issues tha t come across. The inquiries arise if the engineering will guarantee general public assistance through enhanced safety of nutrient or does it brings injury for consumers and environment. Besides, if the engineering provides any deductions for the consumeraa‚ ¬a„?s rights like to inform the consumer sing what he is eating. Furthermore, has the engineering introduced deductions for the scientists for their freedom in making research in a manner that secures their personal award? Finally inquiries related to rule of justness may originate in such a manner as who will be profiting from the latest engineering and how will they counterbalance for those who are non profiting. ( Nuffield Council on Bioethics )CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONSWhen there are climatic alterations, certain things must be done to manage them instantly. These include safety steps for nutrient, theorizing procuring nutrient points, supplying clean nutrient and H2O, acknowledging and responding to climat ic alterations and nutrient borne diseases and educating multitudes about the safety of nutrient through runs. All this requires assorted trained groups who perform their occupation good, know about their responsibilities and have effectual squad coordination abilities. Proper planning has to be done to provide to these state of affairss by authorities and other sectors. These programs should pass on nutrient security hazards as the consequence of climatic alterations along the nutrient concatenation. This needs intersectoral analysis of countrywide infrastructural and treating ability to react to sudden alterations. ( Jaykus, Woolridge, Frank, Miraglia, Gollop & A ; Tirado ) The long term there is a demand to present new engineerings like genetically modified nutrient merchandises and additives can guarantee that safe nutrient supply is maintained. There is a demand to organize procedure and label nutrient points to help the consumer in keeping his healthy diet and forestalling fleshiness and diseases. Besides, sustainability of nutrient concatenation has to be maintained. ( Lazaridesa ) Last, consciousness is highly indispensable to be created amongst the multitudes about the latest engineering that is to be used in guaranting nutrient safety. This can be done through focal point groups, publicities, in-store signage, vouchers, client trueness cards and Internet consciousness. Furthermore, legal stairss have to be taken by authoritiess of several states to guarantee that the genetically modified nutrient and additives are free from chemicals that are harmful to human wellness. Merely in this manner we can battle the effects of planetary heating on the production of nutrient.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Develop market research plan Essay

In this assessment you are required to establish guidelines for researching and gathering information and work with your staff to gather and evaluate the data. Assessment description You need to review existing policy and procedure documents (in the appendices of your Student Workbook) and develop guidelines for managing the process of gathering research information. You also need to identify and plan to acquire all resources necessary for supporting the project. Procedure From the case study provided you are required to complete the following steps: 1. Develop guidelines reflecting organisational policy and procedures to be used for conducting research. These guidelines for research must provide information and guidance under the following headings: OHS Data privacy Staff involvement KPIs Quality of data. 2. Meet with and commission a staff member (your assessor) to develop detailed work plans for how research will be undertaken, using the guidelines you have established. Make sure you agree on the format of the materials (print/electronic/oral, etc.) and a date for the provision of these materials. When the staff member returns the plans to you, you will need to review the plans to identify the following and providing a written Work Plan Summary (document) – the steps below should be the main sections of your summary: 1. Resources: Identify all required resources to support the implementation of the plans by: a. creating a list of all required resources b. completing the Resource requisition/acquisition form provided for each resource. 2. Consultants: Identify preferred consultants by: a. describing requirements for external consultants within the project plan b. detailing selection criteria for selection of external consultants c. identifying which consultant/s from the preapproved list is/are suitable. 3.  Providers and suppliers: Identify preferred providers and suppliers by: describing requirements for goods and services within the project plan detailing selection criteria for selection of providers and suppliers identifying which providers and suppliers from the preapproved list is/are suitable. Adjustment for distance-based learners: No variation of the task is required. Specifications You must provide: A written Organisational Guidelines for Conducting Research (Step 1) A brief written summary of your meeting with the staff member you commissioned for research (Step 2) A written Work Plan Summary (Steps 3-5) with completed acquisition forms. Your assessor will be looking for: Evidence that you have examined the case study and reviewed organisational requirements to develop market research plans. Distance-based learners: Complete assessment as per instructions, except the meeting with your staff member (the assessor) will be via phone or Skype or other live telephone or video medium. Case study Your are the marketing manager for a 15 store chain of homeware stores in Brisbane called Houzit. The stores specialise in bathroom fittings, bedroom fittings, mirrors and decorative items. As part of the strategic plans of the business, the board want to broaden the store offer by including lighting fixtures in the assortment mix. The board identified the need to carry out market research to determine the market feasibility of adding the lighting fixtures category to Houzit’s assortment. The board have requested that this work be undertaken by a specialist market research firm with extensive knowledge of the target market and who can undertake a wide variety of research methods and complete the process in a timely manner. The CEO has asked you to manage the entire market research process for the board. You are asked to liaise with the general manager of store operations and the group buying manager. Initially you are required to develop the guidelines for conducting the market research which must adhere with Houzit’s policy and procedures. The scope of research to be undertaken encompasses the greater Brisbane area. The CEO explained that the market  research report together with your summary must be ready to be presented to the board in 8 weeks time. You have been allocated a budget for the project of $15,000 to cover external consultants and associated external material costs. You are required to stay within this budget. Houzit’s policy and procedures requires that you submit a Resource Usage application for all resources required in the project both internal and external. Your marketing team consists of Tony (search engine optimisation and website maintenance), Marie (advertising and public relations) and Joanne an administration officer. You have asked Tony to take responsibility for the operational aspects of the project and estimate that it will take up 50% of his time over the next 11 weeks. Joanne will also be involved for about 20% of her time in attending to administration matters. You estimate that you will need to allocate 30% of your time to manage the overall project. According to Houzit’s policy and procedures the following detailed Work Plan Summary needs to be undertaken: Definition/scope phase Define research objectives Define research requirements Determine in-house resource Compile a list of preferred consultants/suppliers. Consultant/supplier selection phase Define consultant/supplier selection criteria Develop consultant/supplier selection questionnaire Develop Statement of Work Evaluate proposals Select consultant/supplier. Research phase Monitor milestone achievements Consultant/supplier performance management. Reporting phase Review Market Research report with stakeholders Prepare summary report. The CEO meets with you and you and Tony to discuss the plans. The CEO explained that it is Houzit’s policy to always engage external consultants when deciding on major category changes because it provided some objectivity  to the decision making process. The three preferred consultants are: 1. Acworth Accounting: 27 Pitt Street, Hawthorne QLD, who prepared the business plan for Houzit but who don’t have specialist market research staff 2. Lombard Consulting: 78 Queen Street, Brisbane QLD, who are a local specialist market research firm based in Brisbane specializing in home accessory products and markets. 3. Holt & Burrows: 58 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne Vic, a national marketing firm based in Melbourne who consult on all issues relating to branding and marketing for all industries. They specialise in fashion, cosmetics and consumables. The CEO explained that there was extensive information available in the company archives concerning customer feedback and surveys that has been collected by the stores over the past few years. This could prove useful in the research. The CEO also explained that you would need to have a member from head office do the information extraction work and could take up to 20 hours to complete. The CEO would like to see a report that covered five main areas: 1. industry overview 2. target category and market 3. business environment 4. competitors 5. conclusion. Tony prepared a list of preferred suppliers together with the products and services that they supplied to help determine the materials needed in accordance with the CEO’s directive that it be a credible source, within the budget and easily accessible. These materials could be included in the project if required and it is within budget: Homeware Trade association has an Australian wide industry report for $1,000 Australian Bureau of Statistics has Census data for the target area the is mostly free but will costs about $250 in search fees IBIS market report covers each major market in Australia including the greater Brisbane area – $1,200 Australian Chamber of Commerce has Australia wide surveys on industries $1,450 Homeware Magazines and Publications is an international magazine covering innovations in home wares $250 per quarter Newspaper subscriptions covering local issues $100 per quarter. Resource usage application Resource description Resource quantity Internal or external External resource costs You and Tony meet with each of the consultants identified by the CEO and explain to the need to meet the time frame set by the board. You know that the Definition/Scope Phase together with the Consultant/Supplier Selection Phase will take 2 weeks. You also realise that you will need a week at the end to prepare your reports. Tony explains that there is an expectation that they will be able to complete the following tasks in the time frame allowed: Develop market research information needs questionnaire Document information needs Identify information to be gathered in research Identify source of information Identify research participant Identify research technique Identify timing requirements and budget Conduct research Primary Market Research including customer surveys, focus groups and interviews with Houzit staff/managers and customers. Secondary Market Research including the materials provided by Houzit. Document research findings Develop research report. A week and a half into the project you receive the following responses from the preferred consultants. Acworth Accounting quote: $11,500. Will need to engage external research staff. Will need ten weeks to complete the report. Cannot do focus groups. Lombards quote: $12,000. Have specialist staff available in the home-wares field. Can complete the work within eight weeks. Can apply all methods of research. Holt & Burrows quote: $14,500. Will send research staff from Melbourne. Can complete the work within eight weeks. Can apply all methods of research. TASK 2 Market research Performance objective In this assessment you are required to contract and manage an external consultant to complete research for your organisation, and monitor work activities in regard to the research project. Assessment description You need to meet with a consultant and complete a contract to secure their services for the required research activities. You also need to monitor, manage and report on work activities, to ensure that the research project remains in alignment with the research plan. Procedure From the case study provided you are required to complete the following steps: 3. With the supplied generic external consultants contract, you need to meet with the identified consultant (your assessor) from the case study and revise the contract to suit your requirements as the manager of the market research. 4. Using the supplied work activity information, develop weekly monitoring reports that: Progress of project: describes the progress of the market research project Adherence to plan: describes the adherence of work activities to the research plan Contractor performance: describes whether performance of external contractors is in line with expectations and contractual requirements. Specifications You must provide: A revised signed contract for the identified consultant (Step 1) A series of written Weekly Monitoring Reports (Step 2) Your assessor will be looking for: Evidence that you have examined the case study and have understood the requirements of contract research consultants for the organisation. Distance-based learners: Complete assessment as per instructions, except the meeting with the consultant (the assessor) will be via phone or Skype or other live telephone or video medium. Case study The CEO has decided to use Lombards Consulting to carry out the market  research work in relation to Houzit’s plan to add the lighting fittings category to the assortment offer. Working from head office as 12 Clarence street Hendra Queensland, you organise to have a contract drawn up that covers all the areas of agreement in relation to the work including milestones. The following activities occurred during the market research project. The phases Definition/Scope and Consultant/Supplier Selection were completed by the 2nd week of the project. 5% complete Develop market research information needs questionnaire – on time Document information needs – one week late – 10% complete Identify information to be gathered in research – one week late Identify source of information – one week late – 15% complete Consultant requests Houzit purchase all research materials – You approve everything except for the Australian Chambers of Commerce, Australia wide surveys costing $1,450 Identify research participant – on time Identify research technique – one week late Identify timing requirements and budget – two week late – 30% complete Consultant requests more time – You do not grant it. Primary Market Research including customer surveys, focus groups and interviews with Houzit staff/managers and customers. – Completed on time except for interviews with all Houzit managers and group buyer – 50% complete Consultant report difficulty working with store managers Secondary Market Research including the materials provided by Houzit.- Consultant requested internal customer data be taken off-site – You do not grant it – Completed on time – 70% complete Document research findings – on time Develop research report – two days late – 100% complete. TASK 3 Research project evaluation Performance objective This assessment task requires you to review the market research project and evaluate the findings that have been presented, as well as evaluating and  recommending improvements to the research approaches and processes used. Assessment description You need to develop a report describing and evaluating the research undertaken and the findings presented. As part of this report you need to review the project performance against the initial research project plan, and review the process for future improvements. Procedure From the case study provided you are required to prepare a final report on the market research process including information under the following headings: 1. Findings: A review of the research report provided to you by the consultant including: a brief summary of the report findings  a description of how you confirmed the validity of information and data included in the report a statement assessing the relevance and usefulness of findings against research objectives. 2. Performance: assess the project performance against the research plan. 3. Review: A review of the feedback provided to you from various stakeholders, and any changes to the process required by this feedback. Also review all of the monitoring reports and monitoring activities completed throughout the project (in AT2) and make recommendations for changes or improvements to the research process. With your completed report you also need to submit a revised set of research guidelines (from Assessment Task 1) incorporating the changes noted in your report for use in the next market research project. Adjustment for distance-based learners: No variation of the task is required. Specifications You must provide: A written Final Report (Steps 1-3) Written revised Research Guidelines for the organisation. Your assessor will be looking for: Evidence that you have examined the case study and have reviewed the market research process for the organisation. Distance-based learners: Complete assessment as per instructions. Case study You receive a market research report from Lombards Consulting (see following pages). You sent out the market research report as well as your variance summary of the marketing activities taken to key stakeholders and asked them to reply by email. Later, in discussion with the principals of Lombards Consulting, you are made aware of the location and availability of source data on which the report was based. These include the original responses to the customer surveys, taped interviews and focus groups (with signed participant consent forms) and notes taken during conversations with staff, with Houzit staff/managers and customers. Copies of secondary data was also available, crossed referenced and physically identified in the report and source document. Where possible Lombards Consulting used the scientific method of careful observation, formulation of hypotheses, prediction, and testing in their research. They also spoke of using multiple methods to ensure greater confidence in the findings. When asked about the lack of time spent with the Houzit managers, Lombards consulting spoke about the healthy scepticism they have built toward assumptions made by managers about how the markets work. They also said that the intellectual divergences between the mental styles of line managers and marketing researchers often got in the way of productive relationships. The marketing researcher’s report may seem abstract, complicated, and tentative, while the line manager wants concreteness, simplicity, and certainty. Lombards suggested they be involved in the earliest part of the planning process, in fact why not make them permanent feature in the marketing strategy team. Emails from stakeholders The general manager said in an email â€Å"I was disappointed that Lombards did not speak to the store managers more. They have real ‘day to day’ contact with customers and have much knowledge about what customers want. Perhaps next time they could be involved formally in the process† The group buying manager said in an email â€Å"The report confirms what we thought about the new category. I would have liked to see more opinion from the consultants describing what they believed that the business environment data meant in terms of the business opportunity.† The CEO said that the â€Å"feedback from the board was to pass on their congratulations to you on a job well done given  the short time frame.† You replied that a research of that magnitude would normally require a 12-14 week turn around. The CEO agreed.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Nathaniel Hawthorn

Nathaniel Hawthorn Free Online Research Papers Nathaniel Hawthorn, novelist and short story writer, was one of the greatest American authors of the 19th century. One of Hawthorne’s best-known works is The Scarlet Letter, which marked the beginning of his reputation as a major writer. Nathaniel’s characters were individuals who suffered from inner problems and were often consumed by their own passion. His stories rarely show a happy ending and they always leave us with the confusion that the author’s message cannot be completely understood. For example The Minister’s Black Veil and The Birthmark are two different stories but in both stories the main character suffers of inner conflicts caused by cold intellectuality, pride and isolation. In Hawthorn’s story The Ministers Black Veil the main character reverend Hooper suddenly and inexplicably chose to wear a black veil for the rest of his live. The story takes place in the puritan period during which the general feeling was that everybody was born with original sin. Sin is a major theme here as it is in Hawthorne’s other works although it is more uncertain. Whether Mr. Hooper was self-punishing by wearing the veil because he was guilty of an awful sin or not is unclear. What is clear is that reverend Hooper suffered of inner problems, even though he continues behaving normally it seems that he was either mourning or hiding something. Isolation can be the cause of Hooper’s problem, since he decided to wear the veil the people of the village became disturbed and his fiancà © worries about a rumor concerning Hooper’s mental stability. Elizabeth, Hooper’s fiancà ©e, tries to find out what is behind the sudden appearance of the veil but his answer does not satisfy her. Although he begs her not leave him in his loneliness, he tells her that he cannot take the veil off for the rest of his life. He states â€Å" There is and hour to come†¦ when all of us shall cast aside our veils. Take it not amiss, beloved friend, if I wear this piece of crape till then† (Hawthorn p.339). This quote is a perfect example of Hooper inner problems caused by pride, cold intellectually and isolation. In Hawthorn’s story The Birthmark, the main character, Aylmer, is obsessed with nature and perfection that in a vain effort to create something he only destroys. Georgina, Aylmer wife is an obedient, patient, and humble woman, which with the exception of the birthmark on her cheek is a perfect beautiful woman. Aylmer is an 18th century scientist who is totally and completely committed to his work, and his entire life has been about figuring out the way nature works. He doesn’t like Georgina’s birthmark and right after their marriage he let her know that she would be perfect if it were removed. From here to the end of the story Aylmer is determined to find a way to remove his wife’s birthmark. After trying different things Aylmer finds a potion that he believes will remove the imperfection of her face, Georgina drinks it and the birthmark fades away but as a consequence she eventually dies. Aylmer suffers of pride, cold intellectuality and isolation. As a consequence of his inner problem he end’s up killing his wife. At some point in the story he got so obsessed with subverts nature that he isolates himself to accept his wife as she is and he became a victim of his own pride by not giving up in his fight against nature. As Aylmer states â€Å"There is no taint of imperfection on thy spirit. Thy sensible frame, too, shall soon be all perfect†(Hawthorn, p.352) is a good example of his obsession with perfection showing his cold intellectuality state of mind. Through The Birthmark and The Minister’s Black Veil, Hawthorn describes how his main characters, reverend Hopper and Aylmer, suffer from pride, cold intellectuality and isolation. Both characters are being punished by their own pride. A pride that creates an isolation from the people they love and they don’t realized because their cold intellectual. Research Papers on Nathaniel HawthornThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsMind TravelHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionWhere Wild and West Meet19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraHip-Hop is ArtThe Fifth HorsemanHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayCapital PunishmentStandardized Testing

Monday, November 4, 2019

Case study in event planning industry Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

In event planning industry - Case Study Example This one event can lead to many different risks. Specific risks are the risk of flooding, other damages to plumbing lines, possible shut down of water to nearby facilities which leads to ill proper use of the golf course and hotel/ casino. If the two businesses were forced to shut down due to no water, this would lead to many stakeholders being at risk. The second risk was when the catering company continued to get a fork lift loaded with banquet tables stuck in the mud that was produced from damaging the water line. If the catering company was unable to get to the event because of mud, it is likely that other companies would have the same issue. In order to minimize theses risks, it takes someone who can work well under pressure and is able to utilize necessary human resource skills to get the job done. An event manager needs to be prepared for a crisis to happen and have a different plan in force to help minimize risk even if the crisis does not happen. Being prepared is the first step in minimizing any risk associated with certain types of events. It is important to be prepared to make sure all vendors and stakeholders suffer the least amount of damage in a crisis that cannot be minimized. To make sure that the stakeholders suffer the least amount of risk, the problem with the damaged water line needs to be properly addressed. With only a few hours remaining until the start of the event, the damage has to be assessed and it needs to be determined whether or not the water line can be replaced, how long it will take, and what needs to change if it cannot be replaced in time. The catering company is going to have to wait for the ground to dry up, or get a bigger machine in there that can quickly get the fork lift out of the mud. If the fork lift is unable to be removed, the tables are going to have to be moved by hand along with the rest of any items. Human Resource Management/ Traditional? Human resource management can be defined as the management of employees . Since events consist of many vendors to make sure the event is successful, human resource management for events is similar for any traditional business environment. It is similar in the role of the management professional but, actually more complex than a traditional business setting. Human resource management for events is highly more complex as it does not deal with normal day to day operations. Different types of crisis’ can occur that makes the work of the one involved in human resources much more complex. The complexity is subject to fast problem solving, intervention, dealing with different types of vendors, and making changes where necessary. Every aspect is important when managing an event to make sure the event goes according to plan. Venue Investigation When planning an event it is important that the event is properly investigated to make sure it will fit everyone’s needs, involve the least chance of crisis, leave enough time for planning and an adequate am ount of attendees. Choosing a venue such as a golf course located within a casino/ hotel, it was important to check the facility to make sure it was capable of meeting the events needs. This is so in order to make sure there is enough room for guests, parking, overnight stay and easy access to places such as airports/ freeways. Once the event site was chosen, the venue had to meet the attendee’s expectations. Meeting everyone’s expectations is a hard task to accomplish but can be

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The use of Derivatives markets and products by a company Essay

The use of Derivatives markets and products by a company - Essay Example Derivatives serve as ideal substitutes for complex investment strategies at a minimal cost. (Haugh and Lo 2001) Firms using derivatives have lesser risk exposure than which do not use.(Hentschel and Kothari, 2001) The banks who have used interest rate derivatives have shown higher growth in lending than those banks who do not use derivatives. (Brewer, Minton, and Moser 2000) From Micro-economic point of view, derivatives in different forms have the following functions. Swaps: These are mostly OTC contracts having longer period than options and futures and serve the purpose of meeting needs single client of a Bank or any institution. They afford firms to have new investment opportunities to hedge against any risks in currency rates, interest rates, and credit default etc. It is the periodical payments that represent the risks undertaken by these contracts and not their notional value. Futures: These are capable of increasing market efficiency and liquidity. Depending on national and international laws, this type of derivatives display very high transparency and are used to hedge and speculate in financial and commodity segments. Options: These are similar to futures but do not reflect clearly the underlying assets and do not give unique empirical results unlike options. The notional value does not represent the risk undertaken but the premium paid for opening and closing signify the extent of investment. Repos: These are unique to inter-banking transactions between RCB and European inter-bank system and are meant for finance liquidity rather than to hedge or speculate. The use of derivatives by a company is proposed to be demonstrated in this paper by the example of Glaxo Smithkline (GSK), world's one of the largest pharmaceutical giants. GSK uses derivatives among various finance instruments to finance its operations and manage market risks. The company's derivatives are mainly foreign currency contracts, interest rates and currency swaps. It uses them for swapping of its borrowings and liquid assets into currencies needed for the entire group of the plc. It uses derivatives to guard against changes in foreign exchange currency rates and interest rates. The derivatives are not used for speculation but only used to hedge against its own risks stemming from targeted business operations. It neither issues nor holds derivative financial instruments for trading purposes as a company policy. They are initially shown at cost in the Balance Sheet and revalued subsequently on the relevant reporting dates at fair value. The ones that are treated as hedges are designated as fair value hedges, cash flow hedges or net investment hedges. Changes in fair value of derivatives designated as fair value hedges are shown in the income s tatement with corresponding entries in the hedged asset or liability. Those designated as cash flow hedges are reflected in equity to the extent they are effective. The remaining portion that is not effective is reflected in profit and loss account at the same time. Those deferred in equity are later taken to income statement when the hedged asset results in